Beyond the Basics with Epic Beacon
Beacon is a unique application in the Epic universe. Beacon lives somewhere between Ambulatory, Willow, and Inpatient, drawing...

Waiting for AI to automate medication dosing? Dose automation is already here.
Up to this point, electronic health records have done a remarkable job transitioning the American healthcare system off of paper charts....

Are Apple and Amazon going to put Epic and Cerner out of business?
With all the recent reports and rumors about Apple and Amazon tipping their gigantic toes in the healthcare IT waters, it begs the...

Simple Guide to Managing Drug Shortages in Epic Willow
Constant drug shortages have been a major problem and a perpetual source of frustration for hospitals over the past few years. No...

4 Ways Healthcare Organizations Can Use the Gig Economy
There is an emerging trend spreading across various industries that is a natural fit to the healthcare industry: the gig economy. In...

Lean: 2 Foundational Concepts That You’re Probably Missing.
Despite humble beginnings, Lean process methodology has expanded well beyond manufacturing into a vast number of industries, from...